
Key benefits of using digital locks to secure assets in a supply chain

Pilferage and theft are significant concerns in the supply chain industry. It can result in financial losses, disruptions in the supply chain, damaging the brand reputation. There are several reasons why pilferage and theft occur in the supply chain and inadequate transportation security is one of the leading causes.

To mitigate the risk of pilferage and theft in the supply chain, it is essential to implement a comprehensive security plan. This should include measures such as secure warehousing, transportation security protocols, employee background checks, and inventory tracking systems.

One of the best ways to mitigate the risk is by employing smart locks or digital locks. Digital locks employ IoT solutions and help companies track and monitor the movement of their goods from one place to another by using sensors and other connected devices. These digital locks and sensors can collect and transmit data about the location, condition, and other relevant parameters of the goods in real-time. The data can then be analysed using cloud-based software to provide insights and alerts to the companies, enabling them to take proactive measures to prevent theft or pilferage and secure their goods during transportation. This can be especially useful for companies that deal with high-value or sensitive goods, such as pharmaceuticals, electronics, or jewellery.

Here are a few examples of how digital locks can be incorporated in various fields within the supply chain industry:

Freight transportation: Digital locks can be used to secure cargo containers and trucks during transportation. This helps prevent theft, damage, or tampering of the cargo.

Warehousing: Digital locks can be used to secure storage units or warehouse gates. This ensures that only authorised personnel have access to the goods stored in the warehouse.

Retail: Digital locks can be used to secure merchandise within retail stores or warehouses. This helps prevent shoplifting and employee theft.

Pharmaceuticals: Digital locks can be used to secure medicine cabinets and drug storage units within hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies. This helps prevent unauthorised access to prescription drugs, which can be dangerous or addictive in the long run.

Data centres: Digital locks can be used to secure server racks and cabinets within data centres. This helps prevent unauthorised access to sensitive data and equipment.

Using digital locks will secure the supply chain in the following ways

  • A digital lock can certainly improve the monitoring system in logistics by providing enhanced security and real-time monitoring of vehicles in transit. An e-lock or digital lock is an electronic lock that uses a combination of physical and electronic security measures to provide greater protection for cargo during transport.
  • Digital locks will enable asset tracking. By integrating digital locks with tracking systems, logistics companies can monitor the location and status of assets in real-time, providing increased visibility and control over the supply chain. This can help to prevent theft, loss, or misplacement of assets, and improve overall supply chain efficiency. Additionally, digital locks can be programmed to only allow access to authorised personnel, providing an added layer of security for high-value assets during transportation.
  • By integrating the digital lock system with various equipment and technologies, the efficiency and effectiveness of the transportation monitoring process can be enhanced . This can help ensure that the cargo is delivered securely and on time, while minimising the risk of theft, damage, or loss. The digital lock can also provide accurate and reliable data on the location, temperature, humidity, and other important factors that can affect the quality and safety of the cargo.
  • Furthermore, the digital lock can be programmed to send alerts to logistics managers in case of any deviation from the predetermined route or other suspicious activities, which can help prevent theft or unauthorised access to the cargo. In addition, the use of digital locks can also help reduce paperwork and streamline the logistics process, making it more efficient and cost-effective.Overall, the use of digital locks or e-locks in logistics can provide significant benefits in terms of enhanced security, real-time monitoring, and increased efficiency, making it a worthwhile investment for logistics companies looking to improve their transportation monitoring process.
  • With the digital lock, the manager in charge can provide customised access to the employees. They can set up specific access protocols and permissions for different personnel or contractors, reducing the risk of theft or unauthorised access. This automatically means that the manager will have better control and visibility over the access to their cargo.Time-based access can also be provided in digital locks.
  • A time-based customisation will ensure that access is given only during specific times of the day or week. This can be useful for companies with warehouses that have specific work hours or need to restrict access outside of certain hours. Since digital locks can be accessed remotely, authorised personnel can lock/unlock doors from a remote location using a mobile device or computer. The tracking feature also adds accountability to the transportation process, enabling organisations to identify potential security breaches or track down missing cargo. Overall, digital locks provide a reliable and efficient way to secure cargo and manage access.
  • Digital locks automatically imply increased accountability. They can keep a record of who has accessed a specific shipment and when. This can be useful for organisations that need to track access for security or compliance reasons. In terms of user identification, Digital locks will often require users to enter a personal identification number (PIN) or use a biometric scan (such as a fingerprint or facial recognition) to gain access. This means that each user can be identified and their actions can be traced back to them, increasing accountability If we look at remote access, certain digital locks can be controlled remotely, allowing the managers to monitor and control access from anywhere. This means increased access and ownership for managers, even if they are not physically present.
  • It is also important to conduct regular audits and assessments of security protocols to identify and address potential vulnerabilities to build a reliable supply chain. Digital locks can also provide an audit trail of activity, which can help logistics companies to identify and investigate any security breaches or suspicious activity. This information can be valuable in identifying vulnerabilities in the supply chain and implementing measures to prevent future incidents.As smart solutions grow in popularity, owners and operators are increasingly providing convenient, secure, and technology-enabled methods to facilitate the ease of doing business. Usage of smart locks or digital locks is therefore a step in that direction. Smart locks will change the security landscape in the logistics and supply chain industry and it is always wise to be a first mover.

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