
ALS IoT platform provides comprehensive solutions for Government and Utilities managing high-value assets across multiple geographies. The platform ensures secure tracking and monitoring of asset usage, standardizes and enforces operating processes, thereby enhancing asset productivity and Return on Investment.

Strategic Government Buildings and Public Offices

The platform enhances security for strategic government buildings and public offices with selective access control based on needs. It secures storage and movement of critical commodities like files, documents, and consumables across various storage areas. Access control and process enforcement for employees and visitors are efficiently managed. Intrusion detection and access management for high-security areas within large campuses are also facilitated. Comprehensive asset management and tracking with dashboard views are provided for management across multiple locations and asset categories.

Railways, Water & Power Management

The ALS IoT platform is deployed in remote areas without concerns about power or network availability. It continuously tracks and monitors various parameters such as flow, pressure, and consumption across the network. Distributed assets are efficiently tracked and their utilization managed. High-value items are securely stored and transported. Visual analytics enable detection, identification, and tracking of objects or animals. The platform ensures robust management and security for railways, water, and power utilities.

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